Mind Australia Adealide, Australia Mind Australia is a leading provider of community mental health services in Victoria and South Australia. Mind Australia supports people with mental health issues to live independent, productive and purposeful lives. Flowing animated lines represent the brain’s electrical energy that come together, to form the ‘mind’ identity. Mind Australia Adelaide, Australia […]

Goldwin Global Adelaide, Australia Goldwind Global is the world’s number one wind turbine manufacturer and a leading wind power company. This video required a 20 second 3D segment to be inserted into a 2 minute video highlighting the impressive features of the 1.5MW PMDD turbine, and it’s newly installed generation capacity. Goldwin Global Adelaide, Australia […]

NPS Medicine Wise Sydney, AustraliaNPS Medicine Wise is an independent information service on medicines, health conditions & medical tests for healthcare workers and patients. NPS maintains medicine safety guidelines, professional development training modules, and tools such as the Diabetes Health Care tracker. This video demonstrates NPS’s process using clean iconic 2D infographics with motion. NPS […]

Dymocks Publishing Motion GraphicsSydney, Australia Dymocks is Australia’s oldest bookstore with 65 stores nationwide. Two motion graphic videos were produced using a mix of photography, icons and illustration. Explaining how anyone can publish their own content and sell it through Dymocks Dpublishing. Dymocks Publishing Sydney, Australia Dymocks is Australia’s oldest bookstore with 65 stores nationwide. […]

Ellex Ultrasound Adelaide, Australia Ellex Ultrasound ‘The Eye Cubed™’ makes it possible to evaluate ocular structures and deliver’s images in the highest resolution. Accurately creating a 3D model of the Ellex Eye Cubed™, this video demonstrates how the B-Scan Probe is used to detect lesions on the eye. Ellex Ultrasound Adelaide, Australia Ellex Ultrasound ‘The […]